The Test Science Team facilitates data-driven decision-making by developing, applying, and disseminating statistical, psychological, and data science methodologies within the Department of Defense and other national security organizations.

Efficient Testing

    Our researchers design cost-effective and time-efficient tests, while also collecting ample data to support rigorous analyses. We leverage statistical and data science best practices such as Design of Experiments, sequential testing methods, and Bayesian techniques.
   Our test planning process also incorporates human-system interaction methods to fully capture the user’s experience. These approaches allow testers to use as few resources as possible during testing while maximizing information gain.

Defensible Analyses

    Our high standard for data analysis produces undisputed results and ensures that our tested systems perform as advertised.
   Our results are always supported by quantitative data and rigorous, reproducible analyses. This ensures our conclusions’ objectivity and makes it easy to answer follow-up questions and discuss results with our sponsor, the T&E community, or system users. Good data management practices are at the core of our defensible analysis process.

Insightful Results

    Government sponsors such as DOT&E and DHS continually rely on our insightful, accurate results, and our expertise in Test & Evaluation. We have created frameworks and guidebooks for the T&E community in areas such as Human-Machine Teaming and Modeling & Simulation Validation.
   Our research products and training courses benefit military analysts, government action officers, IDA researchers, and others who desire to enhance their statistical and behavioral science knowledge.


     The question of “How much testing is enough?” is persistent across Department of Defense Test and Evaluation endeavors. 


      Design of Experiments (DOE) can help decision makers “right-size” a test, providing a framework for building tests, evaluating test plans, and assessing risk. Leveraging statistical techniques in both test design and test analysis helps decision makers reach correct conclusions about system performance.


    The Test Science Courses provide a step-by-step guide to advise testers on how to most efficiently Plan, Design, Analyze, and Evaluate a test.